St. Mary`s Parish Calendar
*** Event Colors: Green(#008000) are non-clickable events; Midnight(Deep Dark Blue-#191970 - View File); Dark Magenta(#8b008b - View Saints; Red(#ff004f - Special Events) ***
*** Event Colors: Gold(#B8860B) Available Mass Intention (Click to Book); Maroon(#800000) - Booked Mass Intention ***
Clicking single back arrow "<" on the right will back up one Month while forward single arrow ">" goes forth one Month.
Clicking double back arrow "<<" on the right will back up one Year while forward double arrow ">>" goes forth one Year.
Clicking Today on the right will return to the Current Month.
Bulletins are Available from July 3rd 2022 to Present.
Hover over an Event to view Description of the Event.